Fictional scenario: Germany is under attack
What happens if Germany is attacked? And how would young people in particular be affected by the consequences of war? Our fictitious scenario wants to make you aware of this situation and we put (possible) answers up for discussion. The initial situation - the attack on Germany - is told from two different perspectives.

These scenarios are only fictitious possibilities, because the actual events in the event of an attack on Germany are unpredictable. The complexity of the situation and the multitude of factors that could affect the course of a war are impossible to predict. But that's not our goal either. It is important for us to deal with the possible and drastic consequences of war. First of all, to understand why, in the first place, all necessary steps must be taken to ensure peace and security.
Case 1: Attack on Germany - with NATO alliance
The scenario shows the vulnerability of modern societies to cyberattacks and hybrid warfare. Military conflicts can have serious consequences, not only for the countries involved, but also for global stability and security. Therefore, it is crucial that all parties involved strive to resolve conflicts peacefully and rely on diplomacy and international cooperation.
Case 2: Attack on Germany - without a NATO alliance
An attack on Germany without NATO would be a catastrophic event with far-reaching consequences. The war in Ukraine has shown how quickly and unpredictably conflicts can escalate.
Political developments and international relations are extremely complex. Peace and diplomacy are always preferable in international politics, and scenarios like these underscore the importance of global cooperation and political stability. It is extremely important that we all stand up for peace and understanding in order to prevent such a future. At the same time, it also becomes clear that it is essential to be prepared for crises and conflicts.
What impact would war scenario 2 have on your life as a young person?
Young people are particularly affected by the consequences of war and violence.
With such a scenario, the young people experience the war first-hand, either as soldiers on the front line or as civilians who have to seek shelter in bunkers. They experience the loss of friends and family members. Their homeland is destroyed and the future is uncertain. Traumatization, fear and despair characterize this young generation. They bear the brunt of the war and have to live with the consequences: destruction, poverty and reconstruction. In the end, it is the young generation that bears the responsibility to shape a peaceful and stable future.
What consequences would this have for the environment and climate protection?
The war would also further accelerate environmental degradation and further exacerbate the global climate crisis.
Military operations, destroyed infrastructures and the production of weapons and ammunition pollute the environment and lead to a very high consumption of resources. Military vehicles, tanks, and planes consume large amounts of fossil fuels. The war is leading to a massive increase in CO2 emissions. The Paris climate targets will not be achieved. The global climate crisis will continue to worsen and climate protection efforts will be set back indefinitely as the priority is to wage war and later to rebuild.