Tinfoil hat, QAnon, Bill Gates and lateral thinkers - what to do about conspiracy theories?
Do you believe in purple cows? Climate change is just fake? Conspiracy theorists are crackpots who are just annoying? No. Distinguishing fake news and conspiracy narratives from facts can sometimes be a challenge. After all, anyone can fall for conspiracies if they fit into their own worldview. But how do you explain the difference between trustworthy sources, fakes, and conspiracies? And how do you refute obvious fakes without embarrassing each other? Learn how to recognize fake news and inform yourself about the topic.

Learn to recognize fake news
Become a Fake Hunter! Test your skills against fake news with our training room
Understand what conspiracy theories are and how to spot them
Look at how people come to believe what strangers claim on the internet
Understand the context of conspiracy theories with our interactive video
Become a fake hunter in the virtual gym
The internet is awesome, but unfortunately also full of fake news. Get fit against fake news now - off to the gym!
Asked: Are there purple cows?
A large chocolate manufacturer has bred a purple cow. Really? What do you mean?
What are conspiracy theories?
When it comes to conspiracy narratives, what makes you smile at first glance is often dangerous at second glance. Check out our definition video for the most important facts.
Fake or real: do you know the difference?
You can see whether you have the most important facts about conspiracy theories ready in the interactive quiz.
Werdet aktiv!
Schaut euch unseren interaktiven Kurzfilm zum Thema Verschwörungstheorien an. Lernt wie man auf Freunde, Familie oder Bekannte eingehen kann, wenn im Gespräch Verschwörungstheorien ...