Social market economy
The economy in a country follows certain rules, the so-called economic order. Governmental, social and economic objectives must be reconciled. Our economic system, the social market economy, which orients us in Germany and now also in the European Union, dates back to the reign of Konrad Adenauer (Chancellor 1949-1963). Ludwig Erhard, the Minister of Economic Affairs in the first German government, made the phrase "prosperity for all" very famous. In the social market economy, the state has the task of making political corrections and working towards social balance.

Understand what the social market economy is and learn about the principles, goals and functions associated with it
Explores the major political decisions on the social market economy
Knows the features of the competition
Take a look at what supply and demand mean exactly
Recognising the role of the consumer in the social market economy
What does climate protection have to do with the social market economy?
What is a social market economy?
Take a look at where this term comes from and who actually introduced this economic system.
What is the connection between climate protection and the economy?
With interactive presentations and quizzes, you can take a closer look at the topic and better understand the connections.
The role of the state
Politics has special tasks and instruments in the field of economics. We have summarized this for you.
Freedom in the Social Market Economy
Understand the importance of freedom for our economic order.
The magic of the market
We explain to you the relationship between supply and demand and how the market works.
Social Market Economy: Competition and Innovation
We present the definitions of the topic of competition and innovation with interactive games and explain the connections for you.