Which sources can I trust?
We can gain access to sources of knowledge worldwide and participate in a variety of ways. But news should always be questioned, especially if headlines are very sensational. It's easy to drift into a parallel society of information. Young people come into contact with fake news, hate speech, conspiracy theories or extremism at an early age via social media. You will be confronted with dangerous filter bubbles. Consequently, it is not easy to develop a critical media education. So how do we inform and sensitize young people to fake news, hate speech or shitstorms?

For pupils, the political aspect manifests itself through concrete life situations through real problems and conflicts. Empathy and commitment, as well as anger and disappointment are part of it. With the help of a democratic culture of discussion, however, crises and conflict situations can be overcome together.
Pupils are almost exclusively digital. It is essential to be able to correctly classify facts and assess sources. The aim is to enable children and young people to deal with conflict topics and the media in a self-determined and reflective way. Reliable sources are important in order to be able to orient oneself and to move skilfully and informed through the thicket of media. Our collection of links to various topics, such as anti-Semitism, war or anti-Muslim sentiment, can overcome a first hurdle.
Tips and links to verify content can be found here
The Deutsche Welle has done a fact check on the many false reports and fake videos on social media that have surfaced around the Hamas attack on Israel and clarifies.
The Brandenburg State Agency for Civic Education has published a publication on the subject of conspiracy narratives. Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, conspiracies have been a relevant topic that touches all areas of life, including educational work. The educational material (note: current link address inserted here) can be downloaded and contains methods for dealing with it in the classroom and in extracurricular educational work", which aims to show educators ways to how they can sensitize young people to the topic and impart knowledge to them.
The homepage Fragemauer.de takes on the fight against anti-Semitism, hatred, discrimination and ignorance by collecting, publishing and answering questions about Judaism. The initiative is supported by various media partners and the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life. The intention of the campaign is to create knowledge, understanding and closeness and to reduce fears of contact.
Low-threshold offers for general fact checks
FakeFilter is a web video project of the Federal Agency for Civic Education together with the YouTuber Philipp Betz alias MrTrashpack on the topic of fake news. You can find the video series here.
UnFAKE is a web video project www.bpb.de/lernen/bewegtbild-und-politische-bildung/webvideo/unfake/ the Federal Agency for Civic Education together with the creators SelfieSandra and El Margo on the topic of disinformation. In an entertaining way, the aim is to raise awareness for a critical approach to this topic. In addition to the videos, there is also didactic material for teaching on the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
MIMIKAMA: Think first - click
www.mimikama.org/category/faktencheck/ is an association for the education of Internet abuse. The website is an international point of contact for educating people about Internet fraud, fake news and promoting media literacy. They debunk fake news, clarify distorted content and respond to user problems.
The model project #vrschwrng - An interactive toolkit against conspiracy theories: www.vrschwrng.de/ offers young people space to critically examine conspiracy theories and corresponding attitudes. The toolkit provides young people with knowledge and skills for recognising conspiracy theories and raising awareness of dangers. They also offer free workshops for school and extracurricular institutions nationwide.
Culture of Debate 3.0
The project digitale-streitkultur.de/ aims to sensitize young people to hatred, violence and discrimination on the Internet. It encourages young people to perceive the digital world as a positive creative space and to define their own role there. With the help of the learning app, the media and information skills of young people are strengthened and action skills are developed in order to contribute to critical media use and to democratic values and non-violence on the Internet.
Diversity. Media library
On the page https://www.vielfalt-mediathek.de/ offers many educational materials and teaching units on pedagogical use against right-wing extremism, misanthropy and violence. The collection stands for democracy, diversity and recognition in our society.